Psychotherapie blijkt efficiënter te zijn dan gezondheidslessen bij de aanpak van overgewicht

Moderator: Astro

Berichten: 1.820

Psychotherapie blijkt effici

Psychotherapie (interpersoonlijke therapie) blijft meer effectief te zijn dan gezondheidslessen om de BMI van meisjes, 'at risk' voor obesitas, gelijk te houden of te verminderen.

Een weinig verrassend resultaat, maar wel eentje dat erg belangrijk kan zijn als men de obesitas epidemie efficiënt wil aanpakken in de toekomst.
The study, published in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, found that girls who participated in Interpersonal Psychotherapy may be better able to prevent their BMI from increasing over the course of a year compared to girls who took traditional health education classes.


Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) focuses on improving interpersonal relationships by targeting the underlying social and interpersonal difficulties that influence individuals to engage in loss of control

eating. The therapy has been shown to help both depressed adults and youth and, also to help tackle binge eating in adults. In adult studies, decreases in binge eating may lead to modest weight loss and

less regain over time compared with those who continue to binge eat. Thus, decreasing binge eating is an attractive target for preventing obesity in at-risk youth.

"We conducted this study to address the dramatically increased rates of obesity in children and adolescents," said Tanofsky-Kraff. "'IPT for Binge Eating Disorder is based on the assumption that binge eating occurs in response to poor social functioning and the consequent negative moods."


Girls who undertook IPT were more likely to stabilize or reduce their BMI than those who received the health education classes. BMI is a measure of body weight corrected for height, and is used to determine appropriate weight gain in growing children and teens.
uit: Wiley-Blackwell (2009, December 17). Psychotherapy offers obesity prevention for 'at risk' teenage girls. ScienceDaily.

Ik ben niet jong genoeg om alles te weten...
-Oscar Wilde-

Berichten: 366

Re: Psychotherapie blijkt effici

Hoe je met eten omgaat kan problemen opleveren, evenals hoe je met geld omgaat. En aangezien voorkomen beter is dan genezen, pleit ik ervoor al op jonge leeftijd te beginnen met 'voedsel-therapie' en 'geld-therapie'. Omdat er dan nog geen sprake is van probleemgedrag, kan de term 'therapie' vervangen worden door 'training'. Dat is iets heel anders dan voorlichting.

Kortom: meer geld naar het onderwijs.
