Niet elke vorm van type a persoonlijkheid is gelinkt met méér stress

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Niet elke vorm van type a persoonlijkheid is gelinkt met m

Type A persoonlijkheid wordt gelinkt aan het ervaren van méér stress op het werk. En aan een verhoogd risico op cardio-vasculaire ziektes. Maar volgens deze studie is er mogelijks één uitzondering: leiderschap zou vooral gelinkt zijn met minder stress.
Leadership is the Type A characteristic associated with reduced job stress a finding that may be useful in designing stress-reduction programs, according to Taina Hintsa and colleagues of University of Helsinki.

The researchers analyzed the relationship between Type A behavior and work stress in 752 Finnish workers. In contrast to previous studies, they broke Type A behavior into four dimensions: leadership, aggression, being "hard-driving," and eagerness-energy. High scores for aggression, hard-driving, and eagerness-energy were all associated with high job stress. These three Type A characteristics were also linked to "effort-reward imbalance" a key contributor to work stress.

In contrast, workers who scored high on leadership had lower work stress. High leadership was linked to high work effort, but also to high work rewards. High leadership was also associated with high job control, which may help to reduce work stress.

The Type A personality with characteristics like aggression, time urgency, and competitiveness has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. Type A behavior may also be a risk factor for high stress on the job. Especially if they feel like they're not in control, Type A personalities may respond by becoming over-involved in work.

High leadership protects against work stress, the new study suggests. Leadership may be associated with a good balance between job effort and rewards and a higher level of control over work. In contrast, other three Type A characteristics aggression, hard-driving, and eagerness-energy are linked to high work stress and effort-reward imbalance.

abstract: Divergent Influence of Different Type A Dimensions on Job Strain and Effort-Reward Imbalance (Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine: January 2010 - Volume 52 - Issue 1 - pp 1-7)


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-Oscar Wilde-
