Koppels die spreken over 'wij' en 'ons'...

Moderator: Astro

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Koppels die spreken over 'wij' en 'ons'...

Uit een studie blijkt dat koppels die spreken over 'wij' en 'ons' positiever staan tegenover elkaar en minder stress vertonen. Dit in tegenstelling met koppels die spreken over 'ik', 'mijn' en 'jouw'.
...suggests that spouses who use "we-ness" language are better able to resolve conflicts than those who don't.

UC Berkeley researchers analyzed conversations between 154 middle-aged and older couples about points of disagreement in their marriages and found that those who used pronouns such as "we," "our" and "us" behaved more positively toward one another and showed less physiological stress.

In contrast, couples who emphasized their "separateness" by using pronouns such as "I," "me" and "you" were found to be less satisfied in their marriages. This was especially true for older couples. Their use of separateness pronouns was most strongly linked to unhappy marriages, according to the study.

Moreover, the study found that older couples identified more as "we" than did their middle-aged counterparts, suggesting that facing obstacles and overcoming challenges together over the long haul, including raising families, may give couples a greater sense of shared identity.


Previous studies have established that the use of "we-ness" or "separateness" language is a strong indicator of marital satisfaction in younger couples...

"The use of 'we' language is a natural outgrowth of a sense of partnership, of being on the same team, and confidence in being able to face problems together," said study co-author Benjamin Seider...
uit: Couples Who Say "We" Have A Better Shot At Resolving Conflicts, Yasmin Anwar, University of California - Berkeley (Medical News Today)

Ik ben niet jong genoeg om alles te weten...
-Oscar Wilde-
