Bres Barometer

Moderators: jkien, Xilvo

Berichten: 5.917

Bres Barometer

Beste mensen,

Ik ben op zoek naar meer informatie (vooral chemische samenstelling) van de Bres-barometer. Ik schrijf het zo als ik denk dat het geschreven wordt, want ik ken het ding alleen van naam. Het gaat om een barometer die de verandering in druk aangeeft in troebelheid van de oplossing.

Aangezien ik een barometer meer iets natuurkundigs vind stel ik mijn vraag hier, al gaat het mij om de chemische werking.

Wie zegt het wat en kan mij er meer over vertellen?!



Berichten: 51.270

Re: Bres Barometer

Nog nooit van gehoord, intrigerende vraag:

google bres barometer geeft niks zinnigs

google barometer chemical daarentegen komt direct met recepten van een weersvoorspellend apparaat , o.a.:
reproducible STORM GLASS, (known as chemical barometer) that is composed by the following chemical substances closed into an hermetically sealed glass tubes it is contained supersaturated mixture following chemicals.; 2.5 gr.Potassium Nitrate + 2.5 gr. Ammonium Cloride + 33 ml of Distilled Water + 40 ml Ethanol, + 10 gr. camphor . The Idro- alcoholic STORM –GLASS solution it is closed in a test tube and tacked into a constant temperature ; so that is no influenced by the thermodynamic variables (i.e. -: Temperature , Pressure and Concentration).  

A similar test tube was utilized by the admiral Robert Fitzroy , commander of BEAGLE the vessel participated to the world wide of the famous Charles Darwin’s expedition around the world. Fitzroy believe that the alchemic mixture, containing camphor, ammonia, alcohol, potassium nitrate, and water, was most suitable for weather meteorology forecasting in respect of the Torricelli Barometer used until 1643. So that in the Robert Fitzroy Weather Book of Beagle Shipp (1843) , he described the various forms of the growth of crystal shapes and patterns of Camphor that develos within the storm glass according to different wind directions and weather conditions. Therefore G.Piccardi, develop a chemical Physics studies of Storm Glasses and other chemical precipitates, taking in clever attention those out of equilibrium data for understanding, way the camphor's crystal grows can give a forecast about meteorology in a context of a study of out of equilibrium thermodynamics. G. Piccardi obtains very good results by means the research made in Florence, that permits to discover the influence to all chemical reactions of of solar electromagnetic field in the context of out of equilibrium dynamics of chemical and bio-chemical reactions. Till now the research of G. Piccardi was mostly considerer by academic science as well as a contribute very far from the traditional scientific approach, so that only few scientists belonging to the CIFA (The International Committee of Research and Studies on the factors of the Environmental Evolution) is till now considered as an advanced science approach
daar wil ik wel eens meer van weten, er is nog meer te vinden. :roll:
help ons dan eiwitten vouwen, en help mee ziekten als kanker en zo te bestrijden in de vrije tijd van je chip...
