New property found in ancient mineral lodestone

Moderator: Astro

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New property found in ancient mineral lodestone

HOUSTON - Using the latest methods for nanofabrication, a team led by Rice University physicists has discovered a surprising new electronic property in one of the earliest-known and most-studied magnetic minerals on Earth - lodestone, also known as magnetite.

Lees meer ... Rice University, ScienceDaily en
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Re: New property found in ancient mineral lodestone

Using the latest nanofabrication methods, physicists have discovered a surprising new electronic property in one of the earliest-known and most-studied magnetic minerals on Earth -- lodestone. Also known as magnetite, lodestone was used to make compass needles as early as 900 years ago. The researchers describe how super-cooled magnetite reverted from an insulator to a conductor when the voltage was altered in their experiment.

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