Temporary hearing impairment leads to 'lazy ear'

Moderator: Astro

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Temporary hearing impairment leads to 'lazy ear'

Temporary hearing impairment leads to 'lazy ear'

Some folks who don’t seem to listen may just have a lazy ear. A new study in rats shows that short-term hearing impairments at any stage of life can lead to rewiring in the part of the brain that processes sounds, making the ear seem as if it is loafing on its duty to make sense from noise.

Ear infections and fluid buildup in the middle ear — a condition known as otitis media with effusion — can dampen incoming sound waves. These problems are extremely common in children and represent the top reason children go to the doctor. Such temporary hearing impairment can lead to lingering hearing deficits even after the infection or fluid clears up. The long-term difficulties result from a problem with how the brain adjusts to hearing changes rather than a malfunction in the ear’s ability to detect sounds, researchers report in the March 11 Neuron.


Lees verder: http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id...ads_to_lazy_ear

Bron: ScienceNews

Berichten: 1.820

Re: Temporary hearing impairment leads to 'lazy ear'

Interessante studie! Als ik die lees, dan komt spontaan de gedachte 'tuurlijk, waarom heb ik daar niet eerder aan gedacht...' :eusa_whistle: De parallel met amblyopie (een lui oog) is immers zo gelegd, net zoals de auteurs dit ook doen:
An analogous problem in which the brain has trouble processing visual signals from a perfectly functional eye is often called “lazy eye.” A lazy eye can often be retrained through practice in children up to about 8 years old.
In elk geval lijkt het me een belangrijke onderzoek. Omdat, zoals ook aangehaald wordt, gehoorsverlies zo vaak optreedt bij jonge kinderen ten gevolge van een otitis serosa of een glue ear... Al is m'n ervaring wel dat bij de meesten het gehoor toch weer mooi herstelt, nadat een gepaste behandeling werd ingesteld.

Ik ben niet jong genoeg om alles te weten...
-Oscar Wilde-
