Evidence based studietips

Moderator: Rhiannon

Berichten: 1.820

Evidence based studietips

Er verscheen onlangs ene artikel waarin er een mooi overzicht werd gegeven over 'evidence based' tips om beter te kunnen studeren. 'Evidence based' staat voor 'gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onderzoek'.

Ik geef ze hier verkort weer, voor de uitgebreide versie klik je best even op de link zelf:
Adopt a growth mindset. Students who believe that intelligence and academic ability are fixed tend to stumble at the first hurdle. By contrast, those with a ‘growth mindset’, who see intelligence as malleable, react to adversity by working harder and trying out new strategies....

Sleep well. A 2007 study covered on the Research Digest found that lack of sleep impairs students’ ability to learn new information. ...

Forgive yourself for procrastinating. Everyone procrastinates at some time or another – it’s part of human nature. The secret to recovering from a bout of procrastination, according to a 2010 study covered by the Digest, is to forgive yourself. ...

Test yourself. A powerful finding in laboratory studies of learning is the ‘testing effect’ whereby time spent answering quiz questions (including feedback of correct answers) is more beneficial than the same time spent merely re-studying that same material. ...

Kornell also had a warning: ‘self-testing when information is still fresh in your memory, immediately after studying, doesn’t work. It does not create lasting memories, and it creates overconfidence.’

Pace your studies. The secret to remembering material long-term is to review it periodically, rather than trying to cram. In a 2007 study covered by the Digest, Doug Rohrer and Harold Pashler showed that the optimal time to leave material before reviewing it is 10 to 30 per cent of the period you want to remember it for. ...

Vivid examples may not always work best. Common sense tells us that effective teaching involves dreaming up interesting real-life examples to help teach complicated, abstract concepts. However, in a 2008 study by Jennifer Kaminski and colleagues, students taught about mathematical relations linking three items in a group were only able to transfer the rules to a novel, real-life situation if they were originally taught the rules using abstract symbols. ...

Take naps. Numerous studies have shown that naps as short as ten minutes can reduce subsequent fatigue and help boost concentration. ...

but only napping lying down was associated with an increased P300 brain wave signal during the task recorded via EEG – a sign of increased mental alertness.

Get handouts prior to the lecture. Students given Powerpoint slide handouts before a lecture made fewer notes but performed the same or better in a later test of the lecture material than students who weren’t given the handouts until the lecture was over. ...

Believe in yourself. Self-belief affects problem-solving abilities even when the influence of background knowledge is taken into account. ...
uit: 9 evidence based study tips (Research Digest Blog, sept. 2010)

Altijd handig om weten, denk ik... ;)

Ik ben niet jong genoeg om alles te weten...
-Oscar Wilde-

Berichten: 11.085

Re: Evidence based studietips

Zo handig dat iedereen het mag weten: ik zet dit even in het café ;)
