Libyan rebels are flying their own minidrone

Moderator: Astro

Berichten: 9.240

Libyan rebels are flying their own minidrone

Libyan Rebels Are Flying Their Own Minidrone

The Libyan revolutionaries are more of a band of enthusiastic amateurs than experienced soldiers. But it turns out the rebels have the kind of weaponry usually possessed by advanced militaries: their very own drone.Aeryon Labs, a Canadian defense firm, revealed on Tuesday that it had quietly provided the rebel forces with a teeny, tiny surveillance drone, called the Aeryon Scout. Small enough to fit into a backpack, the 3-pound, four-rotor robot gave Libyan forces eyes in the sky independent of the Predators, Fire Scout surveillance copters and manned spy planes that NATO flew overhead. Don’t worry, it’s not armed.

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Bron: Wired

Berichten: 2.097

Re: Libyan rebels are flying their own minidrone

Heeft Canada geen export reglementering voor militaire goederen??

Rebellen bewapenen...
"Why must you speak when you have nothing to say?" -Hornblower

Conserve energy: Commute with a Hamiltonian

Berichten: 9.240

Re: Libyan rebels are flying their own minidrone

Het zijn niet echt wapens. Enkel eem camera

Berichten: 17.660

Re: Libyan rebels are flying their own minidrone

Nu ja, aan de andere kant: als de Navo de rebellen actief steunt, dan kun je een bedrijf in zo'n Navo land moeilijk kwalijk nemen dat ze zulks verkoopt aan die rebellen.
"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens."
- Jimi Hendrix -
