Folding proteins for fun and profit

Moderator: Astro

Berichten: 4.168

Folding proteins for fun and profit

Researchers at the University of Washington (UW) have turned protein folding into a competitive computer game and are hoping to harness the brainpower of gamers worldwide to make medical breakthroughs. Their game, called Foldit, uses people's natural 3-D problem-solving skills to tackle conundrums in how protein strands curl and twist into three-dimensional shapes.

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Het programma is te vinden op:

A new game, named Foldit, turns protein folding into a competitive sport. Introductory levels teach the rules, which are the same laws of physics by which protein strands curl and twist into three-dimensional shapes – key for biological mysteries ranging from Alzheimer's to vaccines.

After about 20 minutes of training, people feel like they're playing a video game but are actually mouse-clicking in the name of medical science.

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