Gif van het bootsmannetje

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Gif van het bootsmannetje

Welk gif gebruikt het bootsmannetje om zijn prooi te doden?

Berichten: 8.560

Re: Gif van het bootsmannetje

Ik wist niet eens dat het bootsmannetje gif produceert. Echter dit blijkt dus wel zo te zijn als ik het artikel 'Use of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios to assess the effects of environmental contaminants on aquatic food webs'

Hier staat geschreven:
The Notonectidae, or backswimmers (Insecta, Hemiptera)

are distributed worldwide (Schuh and Slater, 1995). They are

frequent components of the fauna of fishless ponds, such as

most of the mesocosms used for environmental risk assessment

of chemicals (Hill et al., 1994; Shaw and Manning, 1996),

where they are located at the top of pelagic food webs (Bro¨nmark

and Hansson, 1998). All Notonectidae are aquatic predators

as nymphs (all the five instars) and adults, which detect their

preys both visually and through mechanoreceptors (Cooper,

1983). They feed upon zooplanktonic organisms and other

preys from the water column, such as insect pupae, which swim

towards the water surface before emergence of the imago, and

to a lesser extent on dead aerial insects floating at the water surface

(Gilbert and Burns, 1999). They do not ingest their preys

but kill them by poison injected through their piercing mouthparts

after which they suck out the prey juices.

order to mimic the accidental introduction of both compounds into an aquatic

ecosystem through, e.g., the direct spraying of a pond located close to a field.

Formulated fomesafen (nominal concentration: 40 mg/L) and the mixture of

formulated fomesafen and Agral 90 (nominal concentration: 40 mg/L and

90 mg/L, respectively) were applied to mesocosms every 3 weeks between

April 18 and July 11, 2000 (five treatments). The ratio between the nominal

concentrations of the two compounds (2.25) was identical to the ratio used

in agriculture. The chemicals were dissolved in distilled water and introduced

just below the water surface using a portable spraying apparatus.

2.3. Backswimmer sample collection and processing

Nymphs of N. glauca were collected in control, fomesafen- and mixturetreated

ponds using a hand net on May 18, 2000 and on June 08, 2004 (4

and 7 weeks after the first treatment, respectively, i.e., after two and three

treatments, respectively).
Echter, welk gif ze gebruiken staat niet beschreven. Nu is gif vaak een extreem complex mengsel van verschillende stoffen. De naam 'gif van het bootsmannetje' is dus het eenvoudigst te gebruiken.
"Meep meep meep." Beaker
